
Damon Copper Ni - Ti

All Damon Copper Ni-Ti cross-sections come with archwire stops, pre-loaded, for your convenience. Stops are easily crimped with arch-bending, How or Weingart pliers.

Detail & Product.

Dr. Dwight Damon developed this arch form after carefully studying 7,000 photographs of exceptional smiles. Dr. Damon believes that a great smile is exemplified by six well-positioned anterior teeth and an arch form that displays the first bicuspid, second bicuspid, and the mesiobuccal surface of the first molar when viewed from the anterior. This arch form prevents the “dark corner syndrome” in the posterior of the mouth.

More importantly, Dr. Damon feels that an arch form must function in a manner consistent with gnathologic principles. After he carefully evaluated several hundred patients and their articulated models, tomograms and headfilms, it was apparent that this arch form enhances dental function.

The combination of the Damon arch form with the new generation of low-friction brackets and low-force titanium wires expands nonextraction treatment options. This creates a positive impact on patient facial profile. 

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