
Ni-Ti Springs - Closed Coil

Cuspid Retraction — Eyelets are hooked on a free-sliding crimp hook placed mesial to the cuspid or on a Hemi-Hook of the cuspid bracket. If desired, a crimpable stop can be placed on the archwire to control the amount of retraction. Distalizing Molars/Anterior Unraveling — Crimpable sliding hook used as tie-back is placed distal to the lateral incisor. Eyelets are hooked onto the crimp hook and first molar buccal tube hook to activate retraction.

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Cuspid Retraction — Eyelets are hooked on a free-sliding crimp hook placed mesial to the cuspid or on a Hemi-Hook of the cuspid bracket. If desired, a crimpable stop can be placed on the archwire to control the amount of retraction.

Distalizing Molars/Anterior Unraveling — Crimpable sliding hook used as tie-back is placed distal to the lateral incisor. Eyelets are hooked onto the crimp hook and first molar buccal tube hook to activate retraction.

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(021) 3443241
Jalan Musi No.8, Cideng, Gambir, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10150
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